1300 European TouringCar Challenge

Historic motorsport up to 1300cc

In the style of the then European Touring Car Championship (ETCC)

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Historic motorsport

Which vehicles?

The 1300 ETC is for vehicles up to and including Appendix J 1981 and will be classified according to their engine capacity and period.
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What is the 1300 ETC?

Unsere Geschichte

The history of European touring car racing is rich in traditions and filled with thrilling races that continue to captivate motorsport fans to this day. The “1300 European Touring Car Challenge” (1300 ETC) builds on this golden era, offering a platform for historic motorsport enthusiasts to compete on track with their touring and GT cars up to 1300cc.

The origins of European touring car racing date back to 1963, when the FIA, under the leadership of Willy Stenger, launched the “European Touring Car Challenge.” At that time, vehicles competed under the FIA Group 2 regulations, allowing a wide variety of models – from the small Fiat 600 and Mini to the prestigious Jaguar Mark 2 and Mercedes-Benz 300SE – to race on Europe’s most renowned circuits and hill climbs.
After several regulation adjustments and a name change to “European Touring Car Championship” (ETCC) in 1970, the series evolved further. Despite the challenges of the oil crisis and fluctuating participant numbers, the series remained a cornerstone of motorsport, admired for its diversity and competitive spirit. The inclusion of GT cars and the return of factory teams from 1977 onward brought new glory to the series.

In tribute to this golden era of motorsport, the 1300 ETC was founded. It is aimed at drivers of historic race cars homologated up to Appendix J 1981, with vehicles categorized by engine capacity and period to ensure fair competition. Anhang J 1981 homologiert sind. Die Fahrzeuge werden nach Hubraum und Periode eingeteilt, um einen fairen Wettbewerb zu gewährleisten.

The 1300 ETC offers not only thrilling races but also a unique community experience, celebrating the joy of historic motorsport – a homage to the glorious days of touring car racing.






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Unser Meister steht fest! Enzo Thiefain auf seinem Morris Mini Cooper hat sich den Titel gesichert und wurde gebührend gefeiert. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Sieg vom ganzen Team!
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In Kooperation mit der Stickererei könnt ihr nun Hoodies und vieles mehr mit hochwertiger 1300ETC-Stickung erwerben!
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